As part of the head up to the Affiliate Summit East show in New York city, affiliate Summit has released their 2011 Affilate Stat Report, which shares the survey results of 1400 affiliate marketers. The report is the most objective and comprehensive survey of its kind.
For the last nine years, AffStat has delivered annual affiliate marketing benchmarks that are crucial to the development of any affiliate marketing program.
The research has been designed to increase awareness and foster best-practices in the affiliate marketing industry.
The annual AffStat report is available for the entire affiliate marketing community to benefit from and data from the AffStat survey will be published in future editions of FeedFront Magazine (get a free subscription).
You don’t really need a subscription to FeedFront in order to read the report. Affiliate Summit co-founder, Shawn Collins, uploaded a copy to Scribd. It’s well worth reading, especially if you like pie charts.