3 Professional Services You Should Consider Outsourcing

Have you ever wanted to learn how to create great looking online videos, membership sites, design professional looking e-books or PDF files, or even get into the world of branding and web design? If you’ve been active online with blogging or marketing, you’ve likely considered some of these methods for your own business or branding efforts, or maybe as a service, you can offer to others.

However, if you really want to be good at any of these, you are going to need to have a specialized skill set and training in these areas. As much as we would like to be a ‘Jack of All Trades‘, sometimes it isn’t worth it. The end result is usually wasted time and ending up with work that isn’t ask great or perfect, in comparison to if it was done by another professional.

To help better understand this process, while also considering your options for creating better content and simply looking better online, let’s look at some of the best outsourced and professional services you might want to start using today.

Professional Whiteboard and Video Creation Services

Something that many people wish they could accomplish or master the expertise of, is drawing. If you’ve ever watched a cartoon or read a comic book, and then tried to draw some art of your own, you’ve likely become disappointed with the end result.

Drawing in itself isn’t easy. Throw video production and animation into the mix, and this process can become even harder. Heck, I wouldn’t even know where to start if I wanted to draw a few sketches and bring my work to life — let alone use it for online video or to represent my brand.

However, just like everything else in the world, there are experts in this area that not only love what they do, but they also create some amazing work as well. From the team that created mysimpleshow, a platform that allows users to create whiteboard and explainer videos with their drag-and-drop platform comes simpleshow — a higher-level of work and video creation that comes with a completely ‘hands off’ approach.

In short, while other video creation tools and platforms allow a user to create a clipart and simplistic video of their own, simpleshow takes of custom work from clients around the world to create the best videos possible.

In addition to the traditional ‘whiteboard’ explainer videos that many of us are used to, simpleshow has expanded their professional work into a wider range of videos as well, which include hand-movement and clipart videos, kinetic videos with original drawings, and also premium videos that are built upon the needs of the end user or brand.

No matter what type of blog, business, or brand you currently have — video is now in demand more than ever before. If you want to make a great first impression with your audience, while also not spending countless hours on trying to learn how to create videos of your own, simpleshow is a great alternative.

Audio-to-Text Transcribing Services

Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, you will likely have seen the massive increase in not just podcasting, but also audio content as well. With more sites relying on social media and curating their best content to send it out to as many platforms as possible, turning your best audio and podcasts into written text content and visuals is more important than ever.

However, if you think listing to your latest podcast or online video and trying to transcribe it word-for-word is going to save you money… you are wrong!

There are plenty of online solutions that not only make this process fast and painless but also very affordable as well. A perfect example of this can be seen at Rev.com. The cool thing about this solution, is that they offer not just audio to text transcription, but also captions and translations as well.

With it only taking a few minutes of audio to create hundreds of transcribed words of text, this is often a no-brainer for anyone who is short on time and looking to create or schedule out a lot of content. Also, when you factor in that transcription prices are around $1 per minute, this is well worth the financial investment, over actually spending your own time on this process.

You can also view a list of other transcription services as well, which will allow you to take your best content and convert it into different languages to reach new audiences around the world.

Professional Content Writing Services

On the internet, content is everything. With more new sites going live daily, it’s no longer just about creating content, it’s also about knowing how to effectively promote it, rank in the search results and also to convert audiences into real revenue.

With all of this in mind, the content creation aspect in itself can take a lot of time, and kill your overall productivity. Content creation solutions like Textbroker, make the process of outsourcing content to reliable freelancers around the world a whole lot easier and cost effective. For businesses and brands that need a lot of content and don’t have the time to seek out the best writers and scheduling new content jobs, they also have a managed service as well.

No matter what option you decide to go with, know that ‘content creation’ in itself will only get you so far. To win the game of ranking high in the search results and getting real audiences to yourself, you need to understand and master the art of SEO and paid traffic. This often can’t be done if you are spending most of your time on simply creating content.

If you’ve already tried to outsource your content creation and failed to find a high-quality or reliable writer, you should definitely try a platform like Textbroker, which bases all of their work and qualified writers on a rating scale from the previous work. Also be sure to read up on the latest tips on how to find the best writers for your site content and what to look for when skimming through freelancer profiles.

Your Time is Worth More than Your Money

Everyone is always working and dreaming their whole life to try and get as much money as they can. However, the most valuable asset you have is time. It might not seem like it right now, but soon enough, we will all realize how true this is.

With this in mind, bloggers, brands, and entrepreneurs need to spend both their money and time wisely. Focus on where your time is best spent, and how you can use additional finances to get even further. If you know marketing and online advertising, it’s likely much more effective for you to focus on these areas than trying to learn how to create an online video or writing new content.

Be sure to run through each of the solutions mentioned above and see which might be a great compliment to your day to day operations and end goal.