If you’re completely new to the idea of earning money online and you aren’t sure what the topic should be please don’t start another make money online blog. Instead pick a product category that you’re interested in and start a product review blog. It’s entirely possible to make way more money off of a blog focused on a popular product or category of products than a blog that discusses how to make money online.
Product Review Blog Example – Netbook Reviews
Netbook Reviews is a blog I started to focus on – yes you guessed it – netbook reviews (read what is a netbook if you don’t know what a netbook is.) I built the site using a free WordPress theme that I modified and a product review plugin so the overall cost to start the blog was very low.
As you can see from the blog I only have some Adsense and Amazon ads on the blog, with most of the income coming from Amazon’s affiliate program. In fact, I’ve made over $200 in the first month since the blog launch and the only thing I’ve done is post 3 – 4 times per week about netbook news, deals and product reviews. Because netbooks are relatively inexpensive at around $400 each I’m not making a lot of money off of each item referred to Amazon, but this just goes to show that if you were able to run a successful product review blog on a more expensive product category you could stand to make even more money. Amazon’s affiliate program operates on a percentage of sale price (that moves up based on the items you drive through to their affiliate program).
The Best Ways to Make Money on a Product Review Blog
From experience, I’ve found the best way to make money on a product review blog is to write posts about sales / deals on products related to your blog and include an affiliate link to buy the product online (Yes, it’s really that simple). Almost every online retailer has an affiliate program so all you need to do is sign up for all of the relevant affiliate programs and insert links in your deal posts. Another great way to make money on a product review blog is to write posts about when an anticipated product finally becomes available for purchase online. The best part about these types of posts is that you’re providing a service your users actually want to read about. Who doesn’t want to know when a product finally goes on sale or becomes available to purchase?
Lastly, the most obvious way to make money off a product review blog is off of the actual product reviews. In the reviews you write simply include links on where to buy the products new and used (I use a plugin called PHPBay Pro to display eBay items on my product review pages).
Wrap Up
If you’re struggling to find a way to earn money online please don’t start another blog on how to make money online, instead start a blog focused on a specific product category. Besides, you’ll probably end up making more money and have more fun writing about products you’re passionate and knowledgeable about. Use John’s blog to find ways to help drive traffic to your blog and you should be on your way to success!
Chris Guthrie is a part time web entrepreneur with the ambitious goal to consistently earn enough money online to quit his day job. Subscribe to his RSS feed if you would like to see more related posts.