How To Use Email Effectively

As you are getting your feet wet in SEO and PPC marketing, you are obviously on the ball with what is working for companies right now.  On the other hand, you may have forgotten completely about email.  Email is NOT going the way of postal service.  On the other hand, I have met more people that are millionaires because they can run a good spam campaign over people I have met that successfully start online marketing.  Now, I am no fan of spam, and do not advocate you start doing it, but I use it as an example as to how successful email can be to get in touch with your target audience. If people have given you their information, that means they WANT you to email them.  They are EXPECTING it.


Mobile email is growing rampant.  You need not wait to get home and check your computer for email, you can actually get it in real time, and check it as needed.  It can be set up to go to specific users for specific marketing opportunities, depending on the demographics of the user base you are trying to reach.

In the last years, almost 9/10 people use email daily.  This is likely because of the ease of use of mobile devices.  60 percent of these people end up spending money with the people that sent them the email in the first place.  This is fantastic stats….as you can see that if someone gives you their email, there is a 50 percent chance they are going to spend money on your site….if you simply email them!

On good way to use email to reach your audience is to have segregated lists that allow sending of emails to a specific category of your client base, the same as you would set certain advertisements to go to specific demographics.  You can divide these email lists by how many people are in a certain demographic region, or by where on your site they gave you their email address.  For example, if someone gives you an email address AFTER purchasing a product, you may want to send them a different email than someone that leaves an email address without making a purchase.

Email is a fantastic way for users to share all of your information with friends or anyone else they know.  What is awesome, is that if you perhaps do not hit the nail on the head with the person receiving the email, they will market FOR you by perhaps sending this email on to someone they KNOW will want you product.  This is referral marketing at its finest.
Try integrating email into your company and product platform, and you will see sales numbers continue to rise. Don’t believe me? Prove me wrong!

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