How To Turn Free Traffic Into Money Right Now

Traffic has to do with people coming to your website, not some pieces of scripts or bots called search engines.

Oftentimes, if you don’t convert your free traffic as quickly as possible, they’d start to perceive you as not being serious and a joker. Aha! You don’t want that to happen!

When I first started building my email list, I didn’t promote any affiliate offer to them and when I eventually did, 12% got angry and unsubscribed. Oops!

Wow, these people have forgotten that real marketing deals with sales.

If I don’t promote premium products to my visitors, how can I sustain my online business in order to meet their needs consistently? Seriously, you need to start monetizing free traffic before it gets too late.


In this post, my aim is to share the 2 tips you can use to turn free traffic into money right now. But there is a caveat you must understand.

People will get angry

The truth is that when you’re not doing anything to make money off your blog and the efforts you put into it, some of your readers are going to love it. Did I just say that?

So, get ready to lose a lot of free visitors and blog readers. Some will get angry just because you asked them to check out a product.

Sure, you’ve to take things easy and focus on engagement and value, but that shouldn’t take the place of sales.

All the articles, videos, podcasts, e-books and special giveaway you’ve been doing are integral aspects of marketing – but it doesn’t put money into your bank account.

The only way to make money is to channel free traffic into your sales funnel and get them to buy the product you’ve.

If you’ve an email list, when you send a special product to them to check out, you’ll get a bunch of people opting out – don’t be discouraged. It’s normal.

If you own a blog, then you’re a leader and leaders aren’t discouraged by what a certain group of people do. According to Jeffrey Bartel, “throughout one’s career, you’re faced with decisions.”

The 2 simple tips you can use to turn free traffic into money is:

1. Get them to talk

Yes, when you ask the right questions, your readers would reply and open up to you. They can share their deepest challenges and how much efforts they’ve put into solving them. All to no avail.

Even if you don’t have an email list at this point, write a special post that’s focused on extracting information from your readers and target audience.

Truly, when people tell you what they’re facing right now, you can easily craft the right solution for them.

A friend of mine that runs a photography blog used Survey Monkey (here) to generate product ideas and today, he’s made over $4,000 from the product sales in 3 months.

You should do the same thing. Send a newsletter to your list members and ask them to tell you what problems they’re facing. Tell them you’re willing to help – just be courteous and think like them.

2. Recommend a free-trial program

One powerful way to earn recurring/passive income from your free traffic is to offer them a free-trial program or product. It could be a membership site or software.

This means that in the first 7 – 30 days, they can enjoy the awesome services and treatments as though they’re staff members. Who doesn’t like that?

Remember that we’re talking about free traffic here. These people are already used to free stuffs, and approaching them with the same language can bring in more money for you in the future.

We’ve autoresponders and web hosting services with 30-day free trial periods. You can join as an affiliate to promote them. Don’t worry about the initial commissions. Focus on the backend where the real money is.  

Free traffic is valuable

If your niche can’t be monetized with affiliate offers, you may want to look through Amazon for physical products. Google AdSense is still a money earner for some people.

Just position the Ads where these free visitors can easily find and click them – you’d earn consistent income without selling any product whatsoever.

Are you converting your free traffic to money already? The comment box below is yours. Feel free to share your traffic generation tips with the community as well.

If you need quality content that can generate free traffic and money for you, check out my content writing package.