Ok, I think it is time to review how to make a proper keyword list for your PPC campaigns. Â This may seem like a simple thing to do, but in reality, most people are missing the boat on a few things. Â Lets take a look at all of the angles and make sure that you are doing what needs to be done.
Everyone here should know about the 3 different ways people are making their keyword lists.  Ask yourself, “does this look familiar?”  The first type we run across starts building their account without doing a keyword search, as that is a simple easy way to do it. Your next average person will create a list of generic keywords, which made the account a bit stronger than the first guy. The third type, is going to spend time on his website, determining and increasing relevant keyword variations, finding his target market, and using keyword research tools, making him far ahead of the first two PPC guys. This is quite obvious when you look at it simply.
The point of our three PPC guys is that keyword research MUST be the foundation of any PPC account. The better your Keyword list is, the stronger the PPC account will be.
Steps to setting up a PPC keyword list
Obviously, the first place to look for your keywords is your company website. Obviously, the best core words and phrases are inherently going to be, most likely, on the main page. To stay completely organized, we recommend that you group all keywords by a similar theme. Typically, this would be categorized by services offered, or products offered. This keeps you from having a long keyword list. After that, go through the website and jot down every relevant keyword you see.
After you have gotten done brainstorming on your website, it is time to enter these keywords in a keyword research tool to get an idea of other keywords that fit your business. Google is very good at just generate a list of related keyword ideas. Go ahead and pick which of these you like, and add them to your keyword lists.
As you scroll through your site, remember that you have branded terms in the site, that you will want to add to your keyword list. This will increase conversion rates, and lower cost per conversion. Also, you will want to remember in your keyword lists, to include synonyms and keyword variants. A great example of this is using “paid search†instead of “pay per click†on the keyword list.
Another important thing to keep in mind is to think about the intent of your customer. For example, if a potential customer was in the market for a product or service you sold, what would they type into a search engine? For example, a person searching for pest control in California is not going to search for pest control in Washington, DC.
This will organized everything, and make it much easier when creating keywords and will improve your life when you want to make everything run smooth with Adwords.
Let us know how you guys feel about these tips. Â I think they will serve you well if you implement them into your PPC campaign.