Improving PPC conversion rates is a very important thing, obviously. Â This is not an issue if you already are killing it, but I assume if you were, you would not be reading this article. Â This article is for the people out there that are trying to grow without the spend. Â If this is an issue for you with your campaigns, please, read on.
1. Align your ad copy and your offer. Â
This seems to be a place where we lose a lot of ads that just don’t deliver the goods! Â I am not talking about linear alignment on the ad text….I am talking about delivering what you say you are going to when you place the ad! Â For example….if you have an ad that states that by clicking on the ad, you will save 10 percent because you clicked on it off of Facebook or Youtube, for example. Â If you click on that ad and it takes you to a generic page for the company that has nothing to do with the offer that you were interested in, you will be in for a rude awakening.
2. If you are not setting goals, you are doing it wrong.
When you are trying to get your conversion rate up, you will need to see what you actually need to do to achieve your goals. Â You don’t want to be a ship out to see not knowing where the hell you want to go, so set some goals and find out what is needed. Â For example, if you are only a little bit away from your goals, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to evaluate that is see if you truly need an overhaul to hit your goals, or if you simply need a few little tweaks here and there.
3. Testing out your landing pages should be something you get quite familiar with.
Google and other companies have tools that allow  you to set up tests on your landing pages, without having the pain in the butt hassle to learn webdev, etc. (especially helpful for guys like me that can’t be bothered to do it ourselves).  Try changing up your headlines, or your body of your page.  Also, try different combinations of the above.  Also, you can try taking away some of the unnecessary navigation at the top of your pages.  As your landing page may be “good,” maybe its pushing people away without you even knowing it.  Also, this should give you the chance to maybe switch up color schemes, etc.
I hope I have given you a few things to think about when it comes to landing pages. Â Please let us know what you think!