How do you feel about search updates?
From both the past and present Google updates, the basics for building a website that thrives hasn’t changed much. Read on…
I’ve studied what the first Panda update did, as well as the subsequent Penguin updates. Nothing much has changed in terms of what truly makes for a sustainable website. If you’re still confused on what to do next or how to optimize your content pages, then this post is for you.
It’s not going to cover every aspect of the search updates, but it’ll give you a clear picture of what you should focus your attention on.
Maybe I should brag a little here. I’ve built about 10 niche sites all growing to become authority and even though 3 of these sites are the real ones generating the bulk of the money, Google’s all-time search updates haven’t impacted so negatively on them.
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Why is this so?
The reason is simple: Google spider doesn’t have eyes or intellect to determine which site/page appears in Google search results. Instead, the spider follows whatever happens at your website. If you like, you can regard Google spider as a blind man that needs a guide.
It was of recent that Google started implementing manual review of website, especially the top websites that are obvious and oftentimes news portal sites. When it comes to Google and ranking your content pages, you should realize that what happens in-house is much more important than what happens outside.
I’ll explain what that means…
After choosing the keyword you want to write content on and also build a website about, the next step is to “study your market.†To me, market research/study is quite different and much more powerful than keyword research.
Keyword research is just a part of the entire market study. So don’t stop there or exalt it as the ultimate for building a profitable online business.
You’ve to answer questions clearly
If your website is focused on answering question from your target audience, you’d always escape penalty. Because naturally, we’re beings of questions and answers. In the Stone Age period, it was questions that caused man to start creating and bringing new ideas into existence. Questions such as: why are we naked? Why should we stay in Bushes and eat just Frogs and leaves?
When questions arise and you challenge yourself to answering them, you’re positioning your website as the authoritative voice in that market. Google is desperately looking for websites that are solely based on “listening and doing†what the target audience demands.
The truth of the matter is that if you’ve a website that’s not making money, it could be possible that you’ve not been really helping others. You’ve not been solving problems and most importantly, you didn’t answer the questions people are throwing at you in your field.
This applies to every niche, online
Of course, it applies to “make money and all internet marketing sub-niches as well. Even if your website isn’t about acne or “how do I get rid of fleas†you should find out what questions your own audience are asking and challenge yourself to answering them.
So far, I’ve not talked about link building or monetization because all of that are quite easy once you’re in control of your website. The content you write shouldn’t be all focused on draining your readers their hard earned cash.
What you may not know is that these people have more money to spend on you and your products if “only†you can proffer solutions to their needs.
Google penalty can favor you
Whenever Google throws out their search update or penalty, many people think that is wickedness. Some even write reviews to cast Matt Cutts but why should I do that?
Google is in business to make money, you also are. If your content structure isn’t right, the spider which doesn’t have intellect would definitely start thinking correctly beginning with you. How sad?
One of my niche sites receives 45 – 50 targeted visitors from Google search before, but when Google rolled out their Penguin update, my daily hits bumped to 90 and sometimes 100+. This also increased my daily sales. And guess what? I only built 7 high PR (pagerank) and relevant (focused on my topic) backlinks to the content pages. Just 7.
Optimize your pages more than the content
This is important. You should always optimize your pages better than the content itself. No, the content must be valuable, but your URL, title and description are of greater concern. Search spiders don’t rank content; they ONLY rank the page where the content appears.
This also means you should pay adequate attention to content pages you’re linking to, how diversified your anchor texts are on such pages. If you search for anything in Google right now, you’re not going to see content, but pages you can click through to read the content.
A balance between people and spider
In order to benefit from Google, you’ve to balance things up. The people coming to your website require valuable and helpful content. But Google spider goes beyond that. It needs to be fed with the right content URL, a catchy and keyword-focused title and a persuasive description.
For instance, if the title of your article is “How To Treat Skin Problems For Busy Peopleâ€, having your URL as is not search-friendly. Instead, shorten it manually like this,
If you use a Google friendly URL, you’d always be ahead of those who don’t practice it.
Summary of how to avoid Google penalty:
- Don’t stop at keyword research. Conduct a market research by hanging out with your target audience. Listen to what they’ve to say, what they desperately need answers to and how passionate they think. Then weave those ideas into your content and website.
- Answer people’s questions. When your website is about answering bugging questions in your niche, you’ll be the authority that Google is looking for.
- Diversify your anchor texts and only build High PR and relevant links in a natural manner.
- Optimize your URL and pages more than the content itself. If you don’t understand this, scroll up to read it.
- Balance up your content strategy by putting people first, giving them value for their time in terms of quality and rich content. Then move further to make your title, description and URL clickable, persuasive and keyword-specific. That’s what Google spider is after.
The final note…
As usual, I’d like to know what you think about this post. Do you know of another helpful way to prevent Google penalty?
One more thing, if you’re looking for a competent person to write your blog posts, and guide you on how to grow a high-trafficked blog, contact me today.