I like to wish all John Chow dot Com readers a very Happy New Year! I know for many of you, it’s New Year already but I’m on the west coast so we’re always last to the party.
If 2007 was any indication, 2008 is going to another banner year and I can’t wait to see how it will all unfold. If you didn’t achieve what you hoped for in 2007, take heart. A new year means a new beginning. Make a commitment to yourself and make this year your year. State your goals and write it down. Remember to reward every success no matter how small. Most of all, have fun! If you’re not having fun, then it’s not worth doing.
Good bye 2007, hello 2008! Happy New Year everyone!
By the way, the cigar is just for looks. I don’t smoke and neither should you. If you do smoke, then I recommend you make a New Year’s resolution to quit.