Wow, time flies! Unique Blog Designs is turning 5-years old on August 22nd. It was only five years ago that Josh, Matt and Nate launched UBD with the redesign of this blog. Yes, I was Unique Blog Designs’ first client.
In that time period, my blog went from ~7000 blog subscribers to more than 200,000 subscribers now, largely thanks to the branding I managed to create using UBD designs work.
25% Off Sale Celebration
To celebrate their birthday, UBD is having a 25% off all blog design sale. That’s right, all the packages on their Design Services page are now 25% off from now until August 31st.
Why choose Unique Blog Designs?
Over the past five years, UBD has built WordPress blogs for hundreds of people and companies, including some huge brands such as Yahoo!, Clickbooth, Anthony Robbins, and even Nike.
When it comes to WordPress, Unique Blog Designs is the go-to-guys, and they can design a blog for you that will increase your readership, generate new sales, and take your brand from okay to AMAZING! You can check out some of their recent projects in their Client Portfolio page. If you are interested in taking advantage of UDB 25% off sale, contact them and they will send you more information.
Happy birthday UBD. Here’s the next five years!