I received an email from Xavier Lanier with a message to help spread the word about Harrison Leonardo, a Filipino-Caucasian toddler that needs a bone marrow transplant to save his life. Harrison’s story was featured on ABC Channel 7 News and Xavier submitted that news story to Digg with this description:
Harrison’s just 2 years old and battling Leukemia. The cancer went into remission in August, but now Harrison is back in the Hospital. His only hope is a bone marrow transplant. He’s half Filipino and half Caucasian, which makes it extremely difficult to find a donor. There’s a matching donor out there, let’s find him/her by blogging & digging this.
When I received the email, the article had received 24 Diggs. I Dugg the story and told a few friends about it and I assume they Dugg it as well. The story made the front page and within 10 minutes went over 200 Diggs. Then it got buried for being spam.
Reading through the comments, I can tell that some Diggers needs a visit from the ghost of Christmas future because they need a wake up call. This also proves the major flaw in Digg’s voting system. The story went to 200+ Diggs in less than 10 minutes, yet 10 Diggers marked it as spam and it was gone. Is that democracy at work?