The show floor of the 2010 Affiliate Summit West is where all the action is. With a record breaking attendance of 4,125, the 2010 Summit was the biggest show to date. The show floor was buzzing with activities on the first day with over 100 booths competing to get the attention of the show goers.
Pretty much any company that has anything to do with the affiliate marketing industry in here. It’s a great way to catch up with some of the affiliate networks that I deal with and meet new ones. When it come to building relationships, face to face networking is still where it’s at and a show like the Affiliate Summit is a great place to do it. The show floor gets filled very quickly. The best time to visit is right at opening time.
The following video gives you an idea on what the show floor is like. As you will see, attending an Affiliate Summit is a lot of fun. Companies featured in the video include Clickbank, Market Leverage, AzoogleAds, Clickbooth,, Copeac, RevenueAds, DirectCPV, and Share A Sale.