4 Must-Take Actions To Increase Your Email Subscriptions

You and I know that having an email list is vital!

To a large extent, the number of subscribers you’ve can actually determine how much success you get online.

Although, quality is always better than quantity when email marketing is concerned. If you’ve a huge list and build the trust, the world would be your oyster.

So many Super Affiliates and pro bloggers have huge lists which they use regularly. That is why they earn so much money online. Don’t be left out, get started immediately.

Of course, before you can make significant income with your list, there must be “friendship” and “relationship.”

Building a list is the primary assignment, while establishing a lasting relationship comes as secondary (but vital).

If you’ve been wondering where to get more targeted subscribers or how to do it, I want to show you some of the tips I’m using at the moment. They’re simple but can increase your subscription rates tremendously. Let’s go:

Have a “start here” page

Add a ‘start here’ page on your blog. Make it easy for new visitors to access your best content.

When this happens, you’ll be solving their problems and gaining trust concurrently.

It’d be easier to gain subscribers because you’re helping them in a special way, through the free, valuable content you provided, without asking for money (at least not so fast).

If you’ve written some resourceful posts, or have specific tutorial videos for fresh visitors to access first, add it to a separate page and promote.

But don’t forget to embed your optin box right after the first paragraph or beneath the video tutorial. You’ll definitely add new leads to your list.

Create a catchy optin form    Kendall-Summer beautiful optin box

The typical optin box from Aweber, Getresponse, icontact and the rest aren’t so catchy.

Sure, these premium autoresponder services are improving on a daily basis, but if you know how to use CSS (cascading style sheet), then go ahead and make your optin box catchy.

On the internet, people actually judge a book by its cover.

It doesn’t matter how powerful and valuable your lead bait (free ebook or product giveaway) is, if the subscription box doesn’t interest the visitor, you’ll lose him or her.

Use the same color for your blog header to beautify the box and don’t be too generic in your optin copy.

Try and be creative because this is going to affect the rate at which you add new leads to your list database.

Make a video landing page

In affiliate marketing, video landing pages usually convert better than text-based content. If you want to increase your subscription rate by 104% this month, a simple video tutorial or coaching can do wonders.

You’ve said a lot of good things about ‘that’ product; it’s time to actually prove it. Using a video not only captivates the visitor/reader to optin, it also persuades them to actually buy the product you’re selling.

Use a fancy “submit” button

Do you turn prospective subscribers away with the quirky “submit” button? You know what I’m talking about.

When you first generate optin code for your website; the button that will [POST] the content and send it to your autoresponder database is labeled “submit.”

The truth is, people are no longer motivated by such a generic action button.

You need to be relevant and persuasive when dealing with prospects. Instead of using “submit” button, you should change the text to align with your product and service.

For instance, if you’re giving free access to a membership site in exchange for people’s email addresses, the submit button can be changed to “free instant access.” Or “Join for free.” This simple tweak can increase your optin rates significantly.

Work on your follow-up

It’s important that you also follow up with your list members the moment they subscribe.

Ideally, write your follow up emails and schedule each letter to go out on a specified time and day. It’s all about building relationships and engaging with your target audience. Truly – that’s where the MONEY is.

Remember, people buy from who they know, trust and believe. But first, you need to collect email leads – use the 4 simple tips above. See the top 30 email autoresponders.

How did you add more subscribers to your email list? The box below is yours – leave a comment and let’s get talking. See you at the top!

Try Aweber for Only $1.00

If your blog doesn’t have an email list, Aweber offers a $1 trial account for all new customers. The account is just like a normal Aweber account and includes unlimited email campaigns, newsletter, broadcasts and follow ups. It’s a great way to test drive Aweber to see what it can do for your blog. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you find that email marketing is not for you, contact Aweber within 30 days and they’ll give you the $1 back.

$1 Aweber Offer